RIBA president plans London Architecture Expo
We are, here at the start of 2017, delighted to be able to extend our congratulations to Ben Derbyshire. In September Ben will officially commence his two year term as president of RIBA. As one of the leading names for residential architecture in London, we know what a tremendous individual Ben is, and we have every confidence that his presidency shall be a considerable success.Ben has, as you might expect, been invited to a number of key events related to architecture. One recent event was hosted by the New London Architecture organisation. As part of the keynote speech he gave at the event, Ben gave every indication that - perhaps understandably - architecture in London would be given considerable focus during his tenure.One recurring theme in the presentation which particularly struck us was the focus on one aspect of residential architecture in London that has, perhaps, in the past been regarded as secondary. This theme is the stimulation of a wider positive attitude towards the subject.The call for this is timed to perfection. In the present day we are all aware of the significant pressure on the housing market, with demand for the construction of new residential properties increasing on a virtual daily basis. With so much pressure and attention placed on the requirement to deliver the housing, it is possible to lose sight of the positive service the architecture behind it provides.As part of his speech at the New London Architecture event Ben Derbyshire gave an outline of his plans for a "2000 site expo" across London, highlighting the architecture delivering the much needed housing developments to the capital city. This project is planned to generate a more informed and positive appreciation of residential architecture, something considered essential to ensuring sustained success in the sector.It is with great interest that we shall watch out for the implementation of this city wide expo which will celebrate London's architecture. We would certainly consider it an honour to in some way participate in or contribute to it. Hopefully it shall prove to be the case that we bring you further updates on this planned expo throughout the course of the year.