Embracing light in architectural design
Embracing lighting has always been a signature part of both the residential and commercial architecture we carry out. We are passionate about the benefits of maximising the level of natural light which flows through a building, with well-being and the eco-friendly values being at the forefront. This understanding has shaped our services, helping us to become the most creative architect London has.In practical terms, however, we know and appreciate that natural light is not an ever constant. We intrinsically appreciate that consideration must always be given to the requirements for the forms of lighting which will feature within a building. Discussing the ways in which the artificial lights will function, as well as the important aesthetics of the features, are always a key part of our discussions with you.What we hope the above emphasises is that lighting should not be considered as some sort of afterthought in respect of architecture. Simply adding a rudimentary system to a completed project is, in all likelihood, going to distract from the intentions of the design. With this in mind, it is always wonderful when we can participate in an exhibition or event which celebrates lighting designs in modern architecture.The recent Surface Design Show in London gave us the perfect opportunity to do just this. Phil, our founder and director, was delighted to be the guest chair for the event, hosting a number of presentations on the subject of how light interacts with the surface design of a building. The talk soon became a standing room only affair, with the venue capacity being stretched to the max by the large level of interest in the subject.Should you have not been able to attend the Surface Design Show event we would happily recommend a visit to their website. Many highlights of the presentation are available online, along with the details of future events and exhibitions.You are, of course, always welcome to contact us to discuss how lighting has an impact on architecture. Ensuring that the light in a property delivers what is required, and takes the appearance and form you wish for, is absolutely vital to any architectural work being a success. We look forward to discussing these concepts with you.