Modern tools for architects to use
Technology has a big impact on architecture, helping to enhance properties whilst also making it easier to design them in the first place. At Coffey Architects we understand the value different technologies can offer and how they have revolutionised our industry. Making use of them has helped us to become one of the leading names for residential architecture London has. Digital technology has had arguably the biggest impact on architects. It has helped them with designing in particular, making it easier to visualise a full copy of a building, including complex components. The digital tool box is far more extensive than the traditional one, offering a wider selection of opportunities. Here are just a few of the modern alternatives to think about using.Surveying appInstead of a time consuming survey using a tape measure to take accurate measurements of the dimensions of a space, a single pass with an app could do the job. Depth scanning cameras and infra-red scanning can quickly and accurately measure an existing space. With advanced software these scans can be easily converted into CAD or 3D models. The end result is a much faster workflow.UndoWith design software architects can easily undo changes they make that don't work. This is far more time effective than having to create a new model from scratch or using an electric eraser to save drawings. It facilitates more experimentation and reduces the risk of drafting mistakes.Modern printersTraditionally blueprints for architecture were created using a dedicated machine that used special paper and a chemical mixture to produce an image. Modern printers made it obsolete, offering faster printing and lower costs. A printer can produce an accurate image from a virtual drawing file and with wireless technology the process is seamless.PhotoshopArtistic impressions and renders have long since been used to promote architecture and gain planning permission. Initially retouching photos required physically painting or cutting an image. Although modern software like Photoshop still uses similar names, the actions are digital and don't require any additional specialist tools. Again mistakes can be undone with ease and experimentation is easier.At Coffey Architects we use the best equipment available to us to create stunning designs. Combining traditional and modern methods allows us to provide the very best results. If you are looking for a company with a fantastic reputation for creating residential architecture London is enriched by, we are the team for you.