Colour is more unstable than you may think
Colour is immensely important to architecture. It plays a part in shaping the experience people have when they see a building as well as when they step inside. On top of this the colours have an impact on their surroundings. As a result it is important to take care when thinking about colours and what to go with. At Coffey Architects we do just that, supporting clients in making the right colour choices. As one of the leading names involved in residential architecture London has as well as possessing extensive experience in the commercial and public sectors, we are a team of architects clients can always rely on.The tough thing about colour is it is not a constant. How shades look depends on several things including the amount of light, the shape and texture of an item, and the orientation. All of these things are shown in great detail at the Breathing Colour exhibit at the Design Museum in London.The exhibition explores various quirks of colour and perceptions can change dramatically if certain conditions do. One of the outstanding parts of the show is that it simulates different times of the day, showcasing exactly how colours can change in specific lighting. Areas are split up into morning, noon, and evening to explore how much of an impact changes in light can have.On top of the lighting the exhibition looks at astonishing things like how an item can be the same shade but appear to be different colours due to the shape and texture. There are a number of multi-faceted 'colour-catchers' to look at. Each of them is painted a single colour but the facets make it appear that there is a broad array of shades and tones.Breathing Colour is definitely enlightening and reveals more about the instability of colours. It is definitely worth seeing, particularly if you are thinking about what colours to use in your own home or architectural project.If you need any help from one of the best names for residential architecture London has please get in touch. We can discuss different aspects of design with you, including materials and colour.