How to make your staircase bold?
Being able to easily and safely access different levels in your home is vital. That is where the staircase comes in. But, this function does not need to be the only goal. You can also design them to be bold eye catching features and to suit other needs. All it takes is a little creativity. We can help, providing the insights you would expect from one of the best names for residential architecture London has to offer.Keep it goingIn most properties the staircase will stop when you reach the next storey. But, does it have to? What if it was to continue to the ceiling above? While it may not go anywhere, this could provide a new place for someone to sit, read, or eat. It could make great use of space that is otherwise going to waste.
Cast concrete
The majority of staircases in residential properties will be timber or steel and glass. However, cast concrete can be a really wonderful design element. The material is incredibly strong when it sets. While it is wet though it can flow so you can cast it in all kinds of fantastic shapes. That can promote creativity. You can even avoid central pillars if you create spiral stairs.
Make it central
Often staircases are stuck in a corner of the house where they are out of the way. But, why not make a bold design choice and make it central? You could organise other spaces around the periphery.
Helical designs
Another option could be to choose a helical design. Some people confuse them with spiral staircases but they are different. Spiral stairs wind around a central column whereas here there is a void in the middle. They can have a really bold and impressive look.
Staircases don't always have to come up from the ground. You can also create bold designs by suspending them from the ceiling on poles. Or you could design it so it looks like individual treads are hanging in the air.
Don't have one
A final bold choice would be to not have a staircase at all. Instead of a single set of stairs, why not design the property with more individual levels at different heights? You could separate each one with a couple of steps, blocks, or even furnishings.
Create picturesque residential architecture in London
Coffey Architects is happy to work with you to envisage and then produce your dream home. We can design every element and get them how you want. This can even include bold touches for the stairs, wall decor, windows, and more.So, speak to us about innovating and making your home one of the best examples of residential architecture London has. We'll be happy to work with you to combine and expand ideas.