Being frugal is a great idea for architecture

A lot of people look at being frugal as a bad thing. Sadly it tends to have connotations as meaning plain, boring, and low cost. However, it doesn't have to be the case. In fact, designing to be frugal can be a really good idea. It can save resources and make things more sustainable. We want to have a look at how you can design residential architecture in London with this in mind.

The right tech

Residential architecture LondonWhen you think about modern buildings, you probably imagine the technology inside. Homes can feature all kinds of modern quality of life systems, including smart tech for heating, lights, opening and closing the blinds, and even operating the coffee machine.However, while the technology can improve your lifestyle, what about the costs? Is it really worth it if your energy bill is massive in return? It could mean the property is having a big negative impact on the environment, producing lots of operational carbon every day.It would be better to use the right tech here. There are systems that can help you to be frugal when it comes to energy use. For example, you could choose passive heating and cooling instead of a HVAC system that consumes a lot of power. You can do the same with lighting. The technology could help you to create a home that is sustainable and better for the environment.

Saving resources

Being frugal can also be a very good idea when it comes to designing individual spaces for residential architecture in London. Do you really need all the bells and whistles? Would a minimalist design where the materials speak for themselves be better?What you need to do here is focus on the needs of the inhabitants. You can then decide how to meet them in a minimal way. Think about how you can make spaces comfortable and functional without wasting resources.The best thing to do is keep it simple. You can do this with everything from the building materials to the tech and the decor.

Low maintenance

An additional benefit if you choose to be frugal in architecture is it can save a lot of work and money on maintenance. Usually as systems and designs get more complex, it increases how much you need to invest to maintain them. However, if you keep it simple and reduce the complexity, it can be much cheaper.The ideal thing to do is choose a design with systems and materials that are easy to repair and maintain. Even better, you should look ahead and choose products that are recyclable.

Talk to us about residential architecture in London

Being frugal with your design doesn't mean you have to choose a boring empty home. It just means you need to focus and use the right tech effectively. You also need to ensure you consider the use of each space and make sure your designs facilitate it.If you need help with any kind of design, you can work with us. We have a huge amount of experience and take inspiration from the diverse residential architecture in London. So, get in touch today and let us know what you have in mind.


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