What is disruptive innovation and could it help architecture?

One of the biggest buzz terms in the last few years is disruptive innovation. The theory has taken several industries by storm. But can it apply to architecture? And if so, what would it mean for architects? As one of the top names for residential architecture London has and a team that thinks outside the box, we want to take a closer look at this.

What is it?

Residential architecture LondonThe basic theory of disruptive innovation is that it opens the door for disruptors to make an impact in an industry. This can drive change.What happens in most markets is companies become established as leaders. They then focus on supplying products and services to their most demanding customers. This is natural because these tend to be the people spending the most money. However, it can mean they then overlook other segments of their market. This leaves a gap that a smaller enterprising company could jump into.The smaller companies that enter the market are known as disruptors. They typically target the neglected segments by offering a unique product to suit them. This helps them to get a foot hold to build from. In time they can expand to offer more mainline products while still keeping their core offering. Ultimately they can change the mainline product too, causing an evolution in the whole field.

Can it work in architecture?

The greatest thing about architecture is that it can be as creative as the client wants to be, especially on individual projects. The challenge though is that the construction sector itself is not as dynamic. It is still quite a traditional industry that relies on craftsmanship. Modern elements like prefabrication are still very niche here.There are some opportunities to be disruptive here, especially in terms of designs and considerations like the materials. Smaller firms could easily carve out a niche by focusing on specific areas. However, it will typically be a project by project basis. A successful idea could take the whole industry by storm though.

Talk to us about residential architecture in London

Coffey Architects is a skilful team that understands how many opportunities there are to disrupt preconceived ideas for buildings. We want to lead here, showing we can support clients and help bring their ideas to life. If this means we need to look at new ways to build, new materials to use, and new technology, we are happy to explore.So, if you need help with residential architecture, London has no better expert than us. You can get in touch today to tell us more about what you are planning. We can then showcase how we can offer a unique service for you.


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