Advice for building by the river

Clients come to us because they need us to design the finest buildings. To make this happen, we provide a wide array of architectural services. They will meet each and every requirement. In addition, ours are some of the most cost efficient services. As a result, we have a reputation as one of the top establishments specialising in residential architecture London has.There are people out there who have made the choice to build a house by the river. This can be extremely rewarding to do. The scenery and access to green spaces straight outside the door can enhance your health. It can also add lots of value to a property. Whilst constructing a house though, you must have a healthy respect for the river. You won't be able to construct a resilient, safe home otherwise. If you have any concerns at all, you can follow the advice below.

Find a location

Residential architecture LondonOne of the most important steps here is finding a lot by the river. Whilst visiting potential lots, make sure to tour them more than once. Visit them at different times of day and in variety of weather conditions. This way, you will get a proper sense of the surroundings and how they change. Most importantly you need to examine what happens when the tide changes and if there are big changes in ground water.It is also a good idea to think about where you will place the house on the lot. You want it to be in a safe location where there is a low risk of flooding. Plus, you have to think about the orientation and where to place the windows to get the best views.

Build for safety and resilience

You will also have to build for resilience and safety. When done incorrectly, constructing a house by the river can result in expensive fines and damages. There can even be several insurance problems. If you plan on living by the river, you will probably require flood insurance. The cost and approval of your policy is going to depend on a number of details too. These include flood prevention methods you are using and your home's elevation. The frequency and amount of flooding in your area is important too.

Talk to us about residential architecture in London

At Coffey Architects, we have dedicated teams of specialists who are here to ensure your projects go according to plan. We are an incredibly innovative and flexible company as well. Therefore, nothing is out of the reach for us. This even includes designing beautiful properties in challenging locations such as close to London's many rivers and waterways.So, why not work with the best company working in residential architecture London has? If you would like to talk about a project with us, feel free to get in touch.


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